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Monday, 15 July 2013

Why Do We Need Mystical Death?

Many Answers

This question can be answered from several different points of view. Some of these points of view are the esoteric, the psychological and the life point of view. These coincidentally are the points of view we are going to use to answer this question in this post.


We need the mystical death for the very simple reason that we are very well and alive in the ego. We know in esotericism that the ego is bottled or conditioned essence and the essence in that state is of no use (very minimal use) to the inner Real Being. Why?

Because that essence is conditioned and because of that conditioning it acts mechanically, and in fact it is not free to act in another way, so that essence in the ego is trapped. In virtually all the cases the essence trapped in the ego does not do the will of the Being, it has its own agenda and fulfils its conditioning, that is what it was created to do.

When that essence is freed it is consciousness and it reveals its learning to the Being and it can fuse with the Being increasing his consciousness.

So in conclusion here, the more we have of free essence the more we have of the Being in us. The whole objective of real esotericism is to be the divine Being and bring the Being that each one of carries inside of us here into the physical world.


The many egos that we have make us to suffer terribly. Each ego and the fact that we have so many, weighs a terribly high toll on our mind and psychology. With mystical death we really and truthfully acquire peace.

We create space within our psychology from where our essence and consciousness can shine and benefit ourselves in the sense of conscious enjoyment, insight, balance, control over ourselves and peace.

The suffering that the ego produces in our psychology is really reason enough for us to die mystically.

Also in order to have no more contradictions and to have just one psychology or one mind we need to work in mystical death.


There are two contradictory views here. In some ways for the way of life that has currently been established on this planet, we don’t need the mystical death. Other forces (those principally created and maintained by the mind) have provided everything that we need, and so they have replaced the Being. These forces are essentially the forces of materialism and materialistic science.

So we can live in life, as so many millions do without mystical death. Even we can live happily enough if we have the dharma or merits to.

But if we want to make our life easier, to avoid suffering and illness we can achieve that with mystical death. If we want all our relationships to go well, and if we want to be able to always give the correct answer to the various and diverse events of life we need to die and awaken.

Also if we want to be helpful to others and not make others to suffer we need to die mystically in ourselves, it is the very nature of the ego to take things from one side (our side) and because of that we will always have conflicts and experience friction with others.

If we want to live in accordance with the sun, the solar principles, the Being and the cosmos we have to remove that inside of us that is against all these things.

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