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Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Step 4 - A Didactic for the Dissolution of Lust

Transmute, Work and Trust


In the previous three steps we basically discussed the importance of finding the paybacks lust gives us and replacing those paybacks with transmutation. This step is really all about the action of transmuting, and transmuting in such a way that allows you to find satisfaction in transmutation and therefore replace whatever lust can give.

The tricky point here is to know how to transmsute, that is to transmute in such a way that the lacking or missing feelings (can also be produced by lust) are filled with the transmutation rather than by lust. One has to know to transmute, it makes a big difference when you know.

Transmute - When

Whenever we feel the sexual energy accumulating, bubbling and even becoming active (due to some thought, impression, sensation etc.) we have to transmute. Even we don’t feel the sexual energy doing anything physically, and for example we are elaborating or rather we are letting the ego elaborate lustful thoughts we should stop and transmute. When we transmute we fill the lacking that lust is acting upon.

Lust always appears when we are lacking, it appears, especially in the case of lustful fantasies when there is no possibility in that moment of getting what it wants. So lust manifests as a compensaton for what it doesn’t have.

The point here to conclude, is that in the face of lust we must always transmute. Create this habit because it will serve you so well in your path. If you are serious about your future on the path then create this habit!

Transmute - How

There are basically three types of transmutation, one is the transmutation that deals with the physical or biological sexual impulses, this is a mechanical type of transmutation that only really requires the intervention of the motor and intellectual centres. Then there is a second one, that deals with the psychological desire and then there is a third one that offers the fruit of one’s transmutation to one’s Being or channels the liberated energy (energy liberated by the transmutation) into an esoteric practice to achieve some end.

The first transmutation is easy, there are many practices to do that, though the best one and the one used most frequently by Gnostic students is the practice with the mantra HAM-SAH. The way it is practiced is by inhaling deeply and mentally vocalising the mantram HAM, hold your breath and then imagine sparks of blue light and fire flying up the subtle channels in your spinal column and entering into your brain. Then breath out and at the time vocalise the mantram SAH out loud.


The more intense the mantra is done the better are the results, that is the more one transmutes. Though be careful not to faint by doing it too intensely. I have heard many people say that after such a practice with the mantram HAM-SAH they have found that their chakras rotate and that they are left with so much energy that when they go to sleep they easily wake up in the astral.


The second type of transmutation is the transmutation that is done psychologically and it may be accompanied with the physical transmutation. It is essentially to use the transmutation, that is its logic and it founding principle to transform impressions that would otherwise go to lust and to transform the manifestations of lust.

This is how it works, as we have said before every expression of lust is due to their being a lack. Lust is primarily an expression of desire for something that we don’t have. So with the transmutation we recognise that we fill the gap or lack with energy and with the bliss or happiness of transmuting the energy moved by desire to our brain, heart and ultimately our Being. So lust in us desires to have sex with someone of the opposite sex and then with the transmutation we take those sensations and energy behind them and transform them into energy and direct that energy to the Being inside of us and in a sense we ‘make love to a Being’ and we interact energetically and sexually with our Being. Therefore thanks to the transmutation which was able to transmute that desire into energy we become complete loving the Being.

What is interesting in desire is that the sensations we feel when we have desire are the ones that we want to experience, our mind creates them in us. So in a way we already have what we are wanting. What we want or what lust wants is to experience itself, to experience the sensations that are invoked in the body.

Sex is about unity and about becoming complete and behind that sexual desire is that yearning or desire, we think that we can fulfil it by marrying etc., but in the end we will be without a wife or husband and we are born without one and in the end we have to become complete Beings with the sexual energy running inside of us in a closed circuit totally autonomous.


The esoteric transmutation is called sublimation, and it is really offering or transmuting the transmuted energy to the Being. Prayer is the best way to do that, anyway the sublimation is an act of prayer in itself, when we pray we are sending a flow of energy to the Being which is what we do in the transmutation.

Constant Conscious Effort

Transmutation is not easy because it should really be something conscious, and to get the most benefit out of it, it should be done consciously. It requires a ‘knowing what you are doing’ type of effort.

For example if we transmute with the understanding that we are doing it to counteract lust and complete ourselves, to offer our sacrifice and energy to the Being and to increase our consciousness we are transmuting consciously and we are making a conscious effort that will pay us back handsomely.

Just transmuting mechanically will help for a while in the beginning but later when the egos of lust get stronger you will find it boring and unsatisfactory. But conscious practices of transmutation don’t become boring and do not leave you dissatisfied and disappointment. We have to continually shock our transmutation to a higher octave, avoiding ourselves from falling into mechanicity and the result of mechanicity is stagnation and the result of stagnation is failure.

Trust in the Being

This is another aspect that is important because when we lack it we inevitable fall into lust. Why? Because we use lust as an instrument to find a wife or husband sensations etc. by ourselves without any consideration for the Being.

Trust in the Work

Lust is usually a tremendously huge ego in people and we very often think that we can’t dissolve it, and further more we think by trying to dissolve it we are going to experience a very bitter and boring life. But that is not true, as it dies we will become happier and happier and freer and freer and instead of missing out on something we are actually gaining something and that is more and more happiness.

If we keep working, keep applying these steps to our honest utmost best ability the ego or egos of lust will die, in this work we have to trust. Trust that it will die and happiness, authentic happiness, long lasting happiness will come to you. That is the guarantee of all the Masters who have done this before us.


To summarise this step, we would say the following few words. Transmutation is your solution, so every time you feel lust transmute. Do it and see the difference that it makes. Know what transmutation is doing for you and then you won’t regret having transmuted instead having fallen into lust. Transmuting transforms the physical sensations, impulses and urges and knowing what transmutation is soothes the psychological regret that is produced by the ego of lust, and transmuting brings you merit and closer to your Being.

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