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Monday, 15 July 2013

What do we Start Working on?

Common Questions

To the person beginning the work of mystical death the following question may arise: “What do I work on?”. To a slightly more experienced practitioner a similar question arises: “What do I work on? There is so much to do!”. Then to an even slightly more experienced practitioner the question “How do I manage it all?” arises.
This post gives ideas and information that point to an answer to each of these three questions.

The Order

It is beneficial I believe that you are aware of the order in which one works according to in the great labour of mystical death.

There are basically six stages:
1.) Death of the bad “I’s”.
2.) Death of the good “I’s”.
3.) Destruction of the seeds of the “I’s”.
4.) Death of the egos of the hidden side of the psychological moon.
5.) Death of the Teleoginooras tapes
6.) Death of the Solar personality

These six stages given above are the stages in the big picture of mystical death. They represent the order in which moves through from the beginning of the work to the very end of it where the ego is completely dead.
It is important to know that some of these stages can only be completed at certain heights of the initiatic path, for example stage number 3 above is for those who are working in the second mountain.

Note, in each stage there are many other mini stages. Logically, this post is only going to concentrate on the first stage. Because in reality, that is where many of us are and those who are beyond that stage do not need any help they know full well what they have to do and how to they are going to do it. That is our goal as well, to be aware of and have our own didactic of mystical death.

Make a Start with a Psychological Inventory

Part of the work of self-observation is awareness of our very own inventory, which is a listing of all our good and bad points.

We really have to make a psychological inventory. It is something that we have to do. Doing this exercise will show us the points that we need to work on and the areas in which we don’t have to work on.

The places where we have to work are the places in which we lack a virtue. Always when we lack a virtue there is in us, the opposite of the virtue – the defect, and the defect is always personified by an “I”. We for example may get very impatient with our parents. So in the place of that impatience we have to work to put the virtues of patience, serenity and sweetness or kindness there instead.

Well in reality, to do that all we have to do is to dissolve the impatience and what will come out in us to answer to the demands of that scenario or situation will be the free essence that has these qualities. Why does it have these qualities, because we have freed them from inside the “I” or ego of impatience.

So, the point here is to work on the defects in your list.


The biggest indicator I feel of what we should work on, is what causes us pain. Where we feel pain or suffering we should work. With mystical death that pain and suffering caused by one or another ego can be overcome.

Where there is pain, mystical death is needed!

Relevance to the Current Day

Another very important indicator is what is currently going on in our life. The events of our life show us what we have to work on. The events of our life are also events that we need to work on ourselves.

We should really take advantage of all the events of our life to work on the “I’s” that appear in us. So in conclusion to this point here, what is manifesting in us now currently needs to be worked on. We need to subject it to the process of mystical death. Remember the steps of mystical death? If so we have to pass the egos that are manifesting in us now through those steps of mystical death.

A Plan

We may also create a plan of mystical death. Though this plan has to be based upon what we really need to die. The priority of this plan should be the egos that cause us and others pain. Because those egos are karma creating egos and if we don’t eliminate them they lead us into numerous heavy karmic debts.

The most important principle to work by when working according to a plan is that you choose wisely, stick to it and be consistent that way you will be paid very well with good results. These three things pay anyone handsomely.

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