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Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Dealing with Rejection (‘I’ of Self-Love)


We feel the bite of this ego of self-love when we perceive we are being rejected by another person (note, this is only one of the many ways in which we feel the bite of self-love). Usually that other person is someone whom we may love or respect a lot or expect a lot from.

Here below are some of the thoughts and emotions that we experience when that aspect of the ego of self-love manifests in us.


The aspect of self-love that feels hurt when others reject us is triggered when we notice a pulling back of the expression of the usual love that the other person gives us. Also when we notice or feel a certain coldness from the other person towards us, when we feel that there is a gap, and we perceive that the other person has taken the decision to pull back or away from us.

What Hurts Self-Love the Most

This perception of the other person’s decision is what gets the ego the most. The ego believes that the person has broken the right to pull back their love that we identified with the ego believe or think they must give us. We actually or this ego has people in a love slave contract.

Injured Pride

Our Pride is hurt and it gets angry saying that we can not accept that the other person wants their freedom. Pride can not accept that they override our authority and that they break free from our control or dominion.
With the ego of self-love we have others as prisoners to the expectation that they have to give us love and our pride holds that in place. Self-love says: “Who are they to not give us that love, that high esteem and that high respect and that continued love?”. We believe with our Pride that we are worthy and deserving and we are better and so they have to always give us that love. That is the crux of the matter, that we believe ourselves to always be better, higher and always worthy of the other person’s love and because of that we can not stand that they lower their love, we think that that they have no right to do it.

When Rejection is Abrupt

When we are rejected brutally or abruptly, self-love thinks they don’t have the right to do it so brutally, so abruptly. Self-love sees it is like it is an attack to our pride, forcing us to be lowered, it is like saying that we are really low and useless.

Reaction After Rejection

After being rejected we develop a way of acting to avoid the person so as not to get rejected again. But that is not the solution. The solution is not to come on too heavy with the person, be normal or a bit more distant than usual, and work hard yourself.

We Feel that we are Lowered

We often feel that we are humiliated or lowered in some way. The key resides in understanding that we are not lowered. The key point to understand is that we are not lowered by being rejected, but that the other person has allowed him or herself to be lowered by an ego (selfishness, fear, resentment, self-love, jealousy etc.), that in turn rejects us.

Is that true that we are lowered? It seems as though we are humiliated (pride is affected), but are we? It feels that we are stupid, our kindness thrown back into our face, our vulnerability taken advantage of, or our vulnerability, our openness is not understood and that gift that we give of our self is thrown back to us.

We should not believe that what we are giving is tender and nice, we believe we are exposed and, that we are giving the best of ourselves, and that is the point where we get angry. Because when we believe we are giving the best of our self and it is rejected we naturally get angry because we see that something beautiful, pure, soft, friendly and good is being trampled on and destroyed, so in the face of that injustice we get angry to correct the or rectify the situation.

Not Feel Lowered

To not feel lowered we have to see that we are the same, the mistake we made that upset the person, was only relative and it may not have been a mistake it could have been a very kind and right to thing to do, but it was rejected. Overall, did we make a mistake? In the big picture of things did we really make a mistake?

The feeling of being humiliated, is what we can’t stand, we think we are less, in the dark, down, unliked, something bad, anything that comes from us is terrible, that is not true, that is the arrogance of the people that reject us.

People are Free

People are free to love or reject us. Set the person free, we are fine, unaffected, not altered by their decision, we are not hurt, because we don’t have any expectations, any investment, we are not deriving our self-worth or self-value from their opinion or degree of love for us.

Common Reaction

Our common reaction is to want to leave, we say “you don’t like me, me being around hurts you, then I should just leave!”. This reaction is really rash and is an overreaction. The best thing that we can do is to wait for this impulse to pass. If don’t feel lowered or humiliated we won’t have this type of reaction. We need to have trust in the person in that we trust their love and that it will come back to us. We need trust in love.


The big point to take from this post is that when we are rejected we have to understand that we are not lowered, there is nothing wrong with us. We are an essence just as beautiful and wise and full of potential and possibilities as are the others. Don’t feel abandoned because when we are rejected we are sent to ourselves and our Being. And the Being does not reject us, He can’t because He is us and we are Him. Others when they reject us they are rejecting themselves, because it is their thoughts that they reject. It is not something personal. We are born by ourselves and we will die by ourselves and we live by virtue of principally ourselves and not by others. But we do live in another way due to the labours of others. The last point to always keep strongly in mind is the be tranquil and wait for the love to return, if not it is not a love worth fighting for.


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