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Thursday, 11 July 2013

How Karma Rules Mystical Death


We commonly think that the process of mystical death progresses according to how deep our comprehension is, and due to our comprehension, how much essence the Divine Mother is able to free in us. This idea we know is correct because we have all experienced it to be this way, however there are some exceptions. These exceptions are special cases because lying behind them are certain karmic debts, and as you will read later on in this article they can not be worked upon in the usual way they require in fact a different procedure.


These exception egos mentioned above, are known to us when we put a lot of effort into our practices of mystical death and we feel we have acquired a large knowledge and deep comprehension of that ego and yet we don’t experience any progress in its dissolution. In fact we still find it very difficult to separate it from our psyche, it may take us by surprise and no matter how hard we try at times to get it out of our human machine it stays there until it seems it decides to go. Honestly, we really suffer with these egos. They quite often humiliate us, where everyone is happy and enjoying an events we are suffering indescribably with this ego and in many cases we can’t function normally as everyone else does. Even those who are not working on themselves seem to function much better in the events where we are overcome by that ego. There are really terrible moments of suffering in which we think that we are never going to be able dissolve that ego and we will have it forever. In short when we are experiencing any of these tell-tale symptoms we are dealing with a karmic ego.

The Why of these Symptoms

The reason why we experience the symptoms described above is because we say, there is or are karmic debts behind that ego, which cause us to suffer and prevent us from advancing in its elimination. In fact we won’t be able to advance in its elimination until we pay those debts.

Actually, from the experience of many, working on egos that have a karmic debt attached to them is difficult and painful. People usually suffer when working to eliminate those egos. Actually many people spend years fighting with the ego, to only after much suffering be really able to comprehend it deeply and then by the grace of the Law and the work of the Divine Mother see it gradually die within them.

Karmic Egos

Generally speaking a karmic ego is one, which being identified with, lead us to make serious mistakes for which we accrued karmic debts. In other words, with these egos we harmed others and or ourselves creating a debt that we to balance or compensate.

There are several egos that we all carry within and that in the past being hypnotised by these ego we created karmic debts. Those egos are typically anger, pride and lust. There could quite easily though be other egos that have karmic debts behind them such as the egos of selfishness, laziness, theft, greed, adultery, etc.

There is also something curious here, that often these karmic egos actually become karmic instruments, that is instruments that the karma or the law uses to make us to suffer, and one definite karmic instrument is fear or anxiety. When we experience an intense, uncontrollable fear for no real reason, we are paying karma. Fear and karma are intimately linked, we hope to expand upon this in a future article.

We may work hard on a karmic ego and weaken it, though because it has the support of the law behind it that ego regains its strength. Often these karmic egos are detrimental to our health they us suffer physically, vitally, emotionally, mentally, morally etc. in nearly it seems all the ways.

Three Classes of Egos

Karmically speaking we can classify all of our egos into three classes, that is egos that are karmically neutral, negative and positive.

There are egos in us that are neutral that is when we identify with them and allow them to act they don’t create karmic debts. An example would be an ego of driving or playing chess or knitting etc.

There is another class of egos often called the “good egos” that sometimes do good things for others and therefore don’t create karmic debts, however most of the time, because those egos have conditioned consciousness inside them they don’t really know how to do good in the right moment and so identified with them we make many mistakes. They though are not as bad as the class of egos commonly called the “bad egos” that really do create karma for us.

Finally, there is the class of egos that do evil, that is that harm others and ourselves. These egos are essentially the source of all our karma. Our Principle Psychological Profile also known as the P.P.P is the ego responsible for our fall so logically it is a karmic ego and behind it are enormous karmic debts.

In summary the bad egos are the karmic ones and the good egos could also be karmic as well as they have been the cause of many mistakes. There is a saying that says “the path to hell is paved with good intentions”. Many of the good intentions that we have come from the good egos, and unfortunately if we lack the consciousness to drive or direct those good intentions to productive result we end up making many mistakes small and large.

Karmic Egos and Karmic Debt

Because with the karmic egos we have created karmic debts the administrators of the law of karma (masters and judges of the cosmic law) have to find a way to make us to balance, compensate or pay those karmic debts, and it turns out that the main way of paying those karmic debts is by suffering in the work of the separation, comprehension and elimination of that ego.

We have to suffer what those egos have given to others. Meaning we have to have that ego produce pain in us to the same degree that it has produced in another. That is why somehow magically our capacity to separate, comprehend and eliminate is blocked or rendered ineffective, because if we could say easily separate that ego from us we wouldn’t suffer and the pain that we have caused others would never be felt.
So for that reason our capacity to progress in the elimination of these karmic egos is controlled by the law, we can only really progress when the karmic debts have been cleared, and we pay those karmic debts with pain or suffering.

The good thing to know is that there is a limit to the pain or suffering we can experience from the ego and it is controlled by the law, meaning that it can be negotiated or modified. This brings an added esoteric dimension to the work on the ego. Really the work with the karmic egos is esoteric they can not only be treated psychologically.

Working on the Karmic Egos

As alluded to in the previous section, the karmic egos must be worked upon differently, by adding an extra esoteric dimension to that work, which is the work with the cosmic law, which essentially is to negotiate the payment of the karmic debt. There are three phases involved in this work, the first is repentance, the second is negotiation and the third is pardon.

Repentance, Negotiation and Pardon

The first stage repentance must be the first stage, it is essentially the preparation for this work with the cosmic law. Through our comprehension of the ego we have to know that it is wrong, that its action only leads to pain and we fully accept the responsibility for the harm we have caused. Here we have to show that we are sincerely sorry for that the actions of that ego and for having created that ego. If we feel this we are ready to work with the law as it is obvious and clear to all that we want to eliminate it and pay the debt we have incurred.

The second stage is to make several petitions to the law asking them to give us wisdom, strength and vitality in order to be able to dissolve this ego. We can even make an agreement with the law where we may pay the karmic debt in instalments.

The third stage rests on the side of the law where after having paid the karmic debt behind that ego we are pardoned and the way to eliminate that ego is laid clear for us.

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