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Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Death is a Process of Liberation & Simplification

A Teaching

There is a marvellous teaching from an excellent friend that says: “life is the process of acquiring and gaining, death is the process of liberation.”

Death = Liberation

Death in any form, whether it be physical or psychological (mystical), is freedom and liberation. When we are young and middle aged and even old aged we are still in the process of acquiring new possessions, experience knowledge etc, so then we are still following the process of life. When we start to cut back, give up, release and stop the gaining and acquiring process we are in line with the currents of death.

Are We Dying? (Psychologically)

One way to know if we are dying is to see whether we are cutting things back instead of increasing, building and also complicating. If we are simplifying our life we are dying psychologically.

Simplification and Liberation

Simplification and liberation are very closely related. To die psychologically we have to cut away the activities that the ego gets involved in, cut away the interests of the egos, its thoughts and its feelings.

Our lives are complicated and the reason why we can’t get things done or can’t concentrate on one thing is because we have too many desires coming from too many egos within us. The more we cut away or drop or let go of these desires the simpler our life will be, the easier we will be able to die psychologically, because we will have more focus, energy and time, and also it will be easier to do the things in life that we need to do.

It will also be easier for us to live more consciously, that is with more awareness and love. Why love, because consciousness and love are very close and attention from the consciousness leads to the emergence of love. IF we truly put our attention on the environment we are in we will see the others in it and if we pay more attention we will see the help they need and naturally by movement of the consciousness we will help them. Compassion and love will arise and move us.

Conclusion - Make Your Life Simple

The conclusion of this post is to make your life simple, reduce it down to the essential things and work on those things with concentration, awareness and love. This will bring peace, it is the greed or ambition that we have to get so many things done that really makes our life complicated, stressful and it passes us by so quickly.

This also follows the principle of death which is simplification and liberation. So we align ourselves with the current of mystical death and it will in turn help us in our processes of ,mystical death which is realise the essential in us or cut everything away until the essential, the Being, shines in us!

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