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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

To Die is to Recuperate Being

With the Ego we are Neither Here nor There

There are some egos or “I’s” that when we get identified with them, we are really nothing. We even don’t achieve anything physical during the time in which we are identified with them. For example, it could be that we get very identified with lust while we are at work and during the time that we are identified we do nothing at all on either side, that is we don’t achieve the objective of the ego of lust and we don’t do anything at work. We are just like a leaf being blown in the wind, devoid of purpose, focus and presence.

The ‘I’ of Lust is the Worst for This

Lust is one of those egos that really takes away the power ‘to be’ in us. It really takes us far from the Being and ‘from being’. Would you like to know why?

The answer is in the nature of the sexual energy itself. This energy is from our Divinity or from our Being and it gives us the power to create and therefore ‘to be’. When we lose this energy we fall far from the Being into not one ego but into many egos where we ‘are not’, that is we are not an individual we are a plurality and one responsible identity does not exist. All because of the loss of the sexual energy, due to of course the ‘I’ of lust. How powerful and important is the sexual energy.

It is About Identity

However more importantly when we are identified with an ego we are the ego and we are definitely not the Being, in fact we have forgotten the Being, we have adopted a new, but false identity, which is the identity of the ego.

To snap out of this we have to realise that we are identified and then remember the Being once again and adopt our real and true identity which is that of the essence, or consciousness or the Being.

When we Don’t Identify

When we are not identified with the ego and we are present or mindful or aware of ourselves and we are not thinking we are here and we ‘are being’. Someone is present, the Being in us is present. Our consciousness and our essence is present, there is a responsible body or identity or entity that is real and can be held responsible, and by the way is the best one to talk to and interact with.

Really we should bring our essence and therefore our Being into every interaction with other creatures and human beings.

The Feeling of the Essence is Basically the Same as the Being

Master Samael said something amazing and he essentially said that the feeling that the free essence has is in the end the same feeling that the Being has. This is because he says that the essence comes from the human soul and the human soul comes from Atman, and Atman comes from Kether the Father (the top of our Being in creation or manifestation) who is in secret within us.

When we Stop Lust

When we stop lust we have the sexual energy at our disposal and at our availability to be used by our consciousness ‘to be’. That is to be used for our Being to make our Being in us more powerful and more and more present in us.

When we fornicate or lose the sexual energy we lose the Being and ‘being’, we lose our identity, our power ‘to be’ goes. This is so easily known by many Gnostics when the unfortunate situation occurs that the sexual energy has been involuntarily lost.


It is so very important to know that we are the essence and that we are the Being. We have to know this, we have to experience it because it really helps us immensely to really and truly understand what non-identification is and therefore it helps us in our awakening and it also helps us in our mystical death. It is a crucial and critical element that we must acquire as soon as possible!


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