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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

No Fear of Involution & Mystical Death

No Fear of the Involution

There may come a time in your work on the death of the ego where you may feel that you have lost the fear of involution. By involution we mean the very long (depending on how strong the myself is) and involuntary process of our Mother Earth dissolving the “I’s” that we have created and freeing our beloved essence.

Very Disconcerting to Lose that Fear

Actually this may be very scary for the person to suddenly lose the fear of the abyss and the process of second death or involution. Why I ask, why does the person feel scared of losing the fear of the abyss?

Reason Why?

The reason why is that the person was using the fear of the abyss and the second death (involution) as a base or as a motivation to work on him or herself, and now without that base motivation the person feels that he or she has lost the interest or the motivation to die.

What Next?

The thing to do is to recognise or find the why of feeling fear for not feeling anymore the fear of the abyss and then to replace the base motivation with something else which is much more real. For example the love of the essence for the Being could easily replace this motivation and become our new motivation, or the essence’s love of freedom or light.

Revaluation - A Chance to Contrast and Choose

One may feel that they are going to jump into the abyss now and they are going to lose all interest in the light, but that is not so it is only a fleeting illusion, what will happen is that the person will naturally feel then a need in themselves to make a choice once again. They will inevitably come to contrast their situation, that is they will contrast the darkness of the abyss with the light of the Being and then choose. This is something entirely consciousness, to choose is consciousness and so it is a revaluation of the consciousness.

Why No Fear?

An interesting question is why would a person lose the fear of the abyss. An answer could be that the person has fought very hard with the ego and while fighting has been deep within the ego and perhaps has stopped being bothered or scared by the ego.

Deep Acquaintance with the Ego

The result of that fight and deep acquaintance with the ego is that the person comes to lose their fear of the ego because one has come to know it so well. Then an easy connection is made to the abyss, where we all know that the reality there is the many different “I’s”, and so as we are not scared of the ego we are not scared of the abyss because the abyss is essentially all the ego.

Conclusion - Implication to Mystical Death

The implication to mystical death is that of revaluation. Where the old motivation for working in mystical death is replaced with something wiser, more powerful, more conscious and more real, which is very important because what is real will not crumble as the previous base motivation (fear of the abyss) did.


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