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Friday, 10 May 2013

Mystical Death is a Decision!

One Big and Many Small

Most certainly as with everything else in life, mystical death is a decision. It is one big decision and thousands of much smaller decisions.

We need one big decision to begin our work in mystical death and thousands of smaller decisions to keep us moving forward.

Decisions at Every Turn

At every turn in the work of mystical death there is a decision to make: die or stay as we are.

Experience shows us that such decisions are often met with fear, anxiety and resistance. Sometimes, decisions to die or to stay as we are, require great courage and determination to make. Experience also shows us that if we delay our decision we also delay our progress and eventually we become stuck, we stand still and become like stagnant water.

Stagnant Water with Decision can Flow Again

Water that does not flow or move eventually becomes stagnant. If our work in mystical death does not progress, move or flow forward it will eventually become like stagnant water.

Experience also shows that the first step to get the water flowing again is to make the decision to move forward. The decision to die, followed action supporting that decision is the remedy.


Stagnation in the work of mystical death as in any field of life has particular symptoms.
Some of the typical symptoms are listed below:

·         Life or certain activities appear to be always the same. We then sense our life or certain activities as very repetitive and mechanical. In other words we begin to live the ground hog day, just as in the movie.
·         There is a slump into a negative, low energy state with corresponding pessimistic thoughts and feelings.
·         In these negative states that we slump into we commonly become cynical. That is we find ourselves starting to think and feel against the spiritual work. We are not into it as we were before and we can even start to think and believe that it is boring, difficult and something that only makes one’s life bitter.
·         Scepticism can enter into the picture as well as materialism. There is a very logical reason for this. As we become stagnated we stop seeing results and naturally we start to think that the esoteric work does not work and that the Being does not help either (scepticism), and because we feel bitter we look for pleasure or happiness elsewhere or rather outside of ourselves in matter, and thus we become more and more materialistic. Then we start to lose the flavour of the work and we begin to gradually adopt the flavour of life and we become fascinated with the various pursuits and projects of life and we reduce the space inside of us for the work of mystical death.
·         After a while we can start to live two lives, where on hand we attend our Gnostic classes or meetings and as soon as we leave the centre to place where the meetings are held we go back into the ego that we can progress in its elimination. We then start to live a contradiction or a lie.
·         Living a contradiction then begins to tear us apart, as we lose ourselves, we find that we are two people and a struggle within ourselves begins. This struggle is very damaging, it is very tiring.
·         We often feel guilty for being stagnated in the ego and for deceiving all our Gnostic friends as we know that they do not expect us to be stagnated in such an ego or egos. We then begin to feel uncomfortable attending the Gnostic classes, and we want to leave.
·         Frustration can also appear as well, we can become angry with ourselves as we see that it is our fault that we are not progressing.

How to do we Break that Stagnation

All of these symptoms can be broken by taking action. That is the main remedy. Get sincerely tired of your stagnated state and take action! When you may ask? Right Now! Is the only answer.


Decide to die! At every turn of life, decide to die!

We may delay our decision, and we may try to turn our back on it. It may seem like a relief to do so, but experience shows, that it is not long before the bitter taste of stagnant water makes us to face that decision again.

When that decision to die comes to you, take it and break that cycle of repetition. Engrave the lesson of repetitive inconvenience, pain and suffering into your consciousness and decide for the new freedom that lies a few steps away from your decision to die!

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