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Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Facing Death in the Middle of the Ocean (43)


Recently, seeing in the news all these planes and ships searching for the wreckage of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 in the middle of the Indian Ocean some 1000kms off the coast of Western Australia made me think about being in the middle of the ocean and about death.

Facing Death in the Middle of the Ocean

We have to I think be realistic, imagine it does happen that we are in the middle of an ocean far away from land and far away from any other vessel and our ship begins to sink. We may pray to God asking him to save us. But can He or will He?

How can he when we are so far away from land and any other human being, miracles can happen but we are on that sinking boat for a reason. We can most certainly pray to God asking Him to rescue us, and if He wants He surely can do it. But if not, it is His will! Perhaps we do not have the merit to be miraculously saved, while others who are just as important as us, who have loved ones just like us are left behind.

Will He Save Me?

What about if we pray to Him asking that he helps us to accept the situation, and to face it with courage and as consciously as possible? Dying is the last thing that we do in life, it should really be our best, noblest and most dignifying action that we carry out while we have breath in our body. We really have to die sometime and why to always try to avoid it? Why to think that we are special and different to others who are in the same situation as ourselves. Why not be as awakened as possible and to pass consciously with acceptance and with courage into the world beyond before the greater realities of nature.

I would rather break that illusion of being different because I am working on myself and believing my Being will save me when he can’t or He may not be able to. The best is to ask that he gives us tremendous courage to pass through the experience of death as consciously as possible and that He gives us another chance at our self-realisation in the future.


Maybe Gnostically speaking, if we have developed enough spiritually in the sense that we have defeated our mechanical destiny and we know how to put our physical body into a state of Jinas or into the fourth dimension we can save our physical body. However, if we are not in that situation we are on a sinking boat for some reason and that reason is karma. The divine Law may not approve that we escape this death, it could well be our destiny. The Pistis Sophia says that the law of destiny has one aim and it is to take us to the death that has been written or determined for us.


Once we accept our death, despite how unexpected and quickly it has come we are ready to surrender ourselves to our God. Surrender yourselves into the hands of your God, knowing that you are His soul and that you are going to be free of your body and that you are going to follow his design for you.


Enjoy the experience, relax, heighten your awareness and surrender yourselves through the arms of Poseidon to your God. Don’t be alarmed the body is strong and it has to be overpowered by something, by much water, by large waves, by tiredness etc.


The facets of the consciousness can be awakened though a series of small lessons in life, especially when it comes to death. Death holds such a rich ground for us to awaken. In fact it could well be that the secret meaning of a person’s life is to die consciously, and if that is the case then we will really find in death a lot to awaken to, because the secret mandate of our life is to die consciously, our life then demands that we awaken to death so that we can die consciously.

End (43).

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