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Monday, 12 August 2013

Daily Work (Daily Bread)


When we are decided to work on ourselves, that is to work on our own transformation or mystical death, every day is immensely valuable to us.

Why we may ask. The answer lies in that when we begin to know ourselves even only a little and we comprehend what the work on oneself is we see that we have so much to do and we really can’t afford to waste time.

Everyday truly gives us many chances on many levels to extract material to work on and to motivate us to work.

What I would like to introduce you to in this post is a method of finding what we can work on in a given day. Using this technique will help us not to waste our day and make the day we have just lived useful to ourselves (this includes others), the Great Cause (this also includes others) and our Being.

This is the start of the work of being able to earn our “daily bread” as it is mentioned in Lord’s prayer.

A Good Scan of the Centres

The first thing to do is to make contact with the centres of your human machine. The centres of our human machine, principally our intellectual and emotional centres show us the state that our psychology is in, in any given moment. Knowing the state that our psychology is in allows us to work on ourselves. It is actually the first point of departure in the journey of working on ourselves.

The technique involves doing a scan of our centres preferably in the morning to find out or detect what issues, problems, worries, points of pain, tension, anxiety, anger, etc. resides in us (our psychology).

Steps to Scan our Centres

1.) Put your attention in the intellectual centre. Then focus your awareness there, allowing it to gradually increase as you keep your focus concentrated on the intellectual centre.

2.) In the intellectual centre look for any worries, problems, threats, anger, fantasy etc. Anything that troubles us or is taking up space.

3.) Put your attention in the emotional centre. Once again focus your awareness there, allowing it to gradually increase as you keep your focus concentrated on the emotional centre.

4.) In the emotional centre look for anything that troubles us or is taking up space.

5.) Now observe your motor centre and see if its behaviour is connected to what you saw in the intellectual or emotional centres.

6.) Note down on paper or make a mental note of what you found.

7.) Now with what you found go to work. If you didn’t find anything then scan the environment to find something in your present environment to use to work on yourself.

Scan the Environment

When everything is ok within us, that is, there are no issues or problems within us we can use our current environment to do some work on ourselves.

Steps to Use the Environment to Work on Ourselves

1.) See who is in your environment. See if you can help them in some way. Helping others always brings out one or several egos.

2.) See if there is some good that can be done in the environment. Doing good always draws opposition from certain egos in us.

3.) Is the environment bringing out certain egos in you that are not present in other environments? What egos take advantage of being in this environment? They could be egos of vice, negative egos (resentment, lust, gossiping etc.), they could be egos of fear, anxiety, worry etc.

4.) Are there any tasks that we have been delaying to do in the environment?

5.)Take note of what you have found and then act! That is most important part, act on what you find!


This exercise involves looking over past days that you have lived through and finding egos to work on. Usually during the course of some days many egos pass through us and they go unworked.

Retrospection Exercise Steps

1.) Choose any day that you have lived, it could even be your day today so far.

2.) Recount all that you have lived through hour by hour starting from the morning. Remember the external events and your actions and also remember what you thought and felt.

3.) Look through all that you recount for the egos that manifested.

4.) Take a mental note or write down what you find and then go to work upon what you have found.

5.) You can be sure that what you find is worth working on because it will come back again, even this very day.

Work on the Ego Even if it is Not There

A lot of the time we don’t work on ourselves because we don’t see the ego in us. This I consider is a false step. Because that ego is not eliminated and for sure it will come back again, and give us as much trouble or even more than it did in the past.

If we work on an ego that we know is very big and gives us lots of trouble the best thing that we can do is to work on it continuously even if it is not in the human machine at the moment. The advantage to this is that we are weakening it and it won’t catch us by surprise.


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