This post is a essentially the presentation of a step by
step guided practice that one can go through at one’s leisure at the end of
every day.
The Practice
Relax (Body)
1.) Choose your position and begin by relaxing your body.
One very effective way to do this is to use the breathing.
2.) Follow your breath and when you breathe in notice that
you are slightly invigorated. This slight bit of energy helps us t maintain the
3.) When you breathe out notice that you relax and that you
release tension.
4.) Use the out breath to relax your whole body. See and
feel that the tension in your body goes out with each out breath.
Relax (Mind and Emotion)
1.) Put your focus into your mind and as you continue to put
your focus there, expand your focus to make you gradually aware of all that you
have going on in your mind.
2.) Just become aware of what you have in your mind.
3.)Now focus your attention on your emotional centre located
in your solar plexus. Expand your awareness there to become more and more aware
of what is going on in your emotional centre.
4.) Now, keep your attention focussed in a no strained way
in your mind. Watch for the thoiughts that appear.
5.) When a thought appears, let go of it. Don’t continue the
thinking process. Gently stop the thinking process and release the issue or
topic that the thought is about.
6.) Continue to do this until you notice a change in the
level of activity of the mind.
Retrospection (Focusing on the Day’s Failures)
1.) Retrospection: start from right now, that is the moment
right now that you are doing this practice and go backwards.
2.) Work backwards by recounting the events and actions of
your day, but pay more attention to your inner psychological state during each
event. More importantly, recount what you were feeling and were thinking during
each event.
3.) Look for the events in which you failed in the ego,
events where you got identified with the ego
and the thoughts, emotions and actions that were generated could have
been stopped.
4.) Stop the retrospection practice when you reach the
moment that you woke up.
Make a list of the Failures
1.) After the retrospection practice you will have enough
information to be able to make a list of the day’s failures.
2.) Put the ones that were more intense and longer lasting
at the top of the list and give them more priority.
Work on the Ego Behind the Failure
1.) Take the two biggest failures and examine them.
2.) Determine which ego is behind them.
3.) Also determine what is the way of thinking of the ego
behind them. This is the logic of the ego that is behind these failures.
4.) Question sincerely and deeply the truth of the ego.
5.) Upon seeing that main arguments or line of thinking of the
ego is false and wrong we are ready for elimination, because we will want to
eliminate the ego and we will see it false and wrong and we will never be able
to eliminate something that is true or wrong.
Elimination with the Divine Mother
1.) Concentrate on your heart. Remember that in the inner
esoteric dimension of your heart is your heart temple, which is the temple of your
Being and of course Divine Mother.
2.) Yearn for her to hear you and help you. Concentrate on
her and invoke her using the mantra RAM0IO, or O AO KAKOF NAKONSA or SOLU SIGI
3.) Present the ego to her, telling her all about what it
does and how it is wrong and how you want to eliminate it.
4.) Beg her to dissolve it in the intellectual centre.
Vocalise the mantra KRIM nine times.
5.) Beg her to dissolve it in the emotional centre. Vocalise
the mantra KRIM nine times.
6.) Beg her to dissolve it in the motor, instinctive, sexual
centres. Vocalise the mantra KRIM nine times.
The Resolution to Make Tomorrow Different
After all that have seen, understood and done in the
practice form the decision and therefore resolution to not fall into
identification with that ego or ‘I’ tomorrow morning.
Now to finish this practice activate your awareness to that
particular defect. Because it just could waiting for you to finish your
practice to manifest! Don’t let it catch you off guard!