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Tuesday, 13 May 2014

When it is Lust and When it is Not! (47)

When it is Lust!

It is lust when we engage in sexuality, even in thought and emotion and we do not have love, respect, care, consideration etc. within us. I tis also lust when we are trapped in or are only focussed on sensation, senses and matter. These four major indicators: devoid of love, care, respect etc., senses, sensations and matter are sure signs that lust is in our human machine.

Lust always, always refocusses sexuality into these bottles or conditioners.

When it is not Lust!

We usually think that no sexuality or no sex or abstinence is no lust. That is true to some degree but there can always be a heavy amount of lust in our mind.

The general indication as to know when it is not lust is when there is sexuality and there is love and the main focus is spirituality or a spiritual purpose above senses, sensations and matter. Or there is of course no sexuality and the mind and emotions are completely clear.


Use these indications to know when lust is in your human machine. Be honest with yourself and you will always be able to tell.

End (47).

Separate Lust from Sex (46)

When it is Lust!

It is lust when we engage in sexuality, even in thought and emotion and we do not have love, respect, care, consideration etc. within us. It is also lust when we are trapped in or are only focussed on sensation, senses and matter. These four major indicators: devoid of love, care, respect etc., senses, sensations and matter are sure signs that lust is in our human machine.

When it is not Lust!

We usually think that no sexuality or no sex or abstinence is no lust. That is true to some degree but there can always be a heavy amount of lust in our mind.

The general indication as to know when it is not lust is when there is sexuality and there is love and the main focus is spirituality or a spiritual purpose above senses, sensations and matter. Or there is of course no sexuality and the mind and emotions are completely clear.

Separate Lust from Sex

So in the case where we have sexuality but no lust we have to separate lust from sex. We think that they are the same thing but they are not. Lust and sex are very different. Lust uses sex but sex itself has nothing to do with lust.

So if this separation is made, there can be pure sexuality without lust. Lust always diverts sexuality into the senses, sensations and matter. It always refocusses sexuality into these bottles or conditioners.

Sex is Itself Free from Lust

Sex is the means of by which creation happens, I really don’; think the creators that gave this creative power to men, animals and the plants meant for lust to be created. Lust is not creative, it sabotages the creative force and ruins it, lust destroys actually. Sex is a great creative power and is the life force of the Being and is also one’s life energy and vitality which has nothing to do with lust. In fact when one works on lust one’s vitality and energy increases dramatically.


It is very advantageous to make this separation within oneself so that we can start to use our sexual force without the interference of lust and we can come to open the door of the sexual mysteries that unfortunately human beings due to lust know nothing about at all!

End (46).

The Ego is in our Genes (42)

Surprising at First but Makes Sense!

To someone who has worked on the ego for a while, this statement that the ego is in our genes becomes ever-so gradually more apparent, especially in relation to some egos. It is not so apparent in all the egos but in some, in the rather large ones that we have it can be quite apparent.


If you have the luck of having your parents still with you, you can by observation really come to verify this statement.

The theory goes in Gnosis that the egos that we have, have a genetic component to them. We actually inherit in our egos certain characteristics that are present in the egos of our parents. This is even true when it comes to our personality. Our personality has many traits or characteristics that come directly from our parents.
This does not apply to every characteristic in us, it only seems to apply to some of our personality traits. Mind you environment and impressions builds our personality and much of our environment that we are brought up in, is strongly coloured by our parent’s personality and egos.

Some Egos

It can happen that some of the egos we have, repeat or strongly wish to repeat the dramas and mistakes that our parents have made. In a way the more we know about the egos of our parents the more we can get to know the future desires of the egos that we have. Mind you, this does not apply to every ego that we have, only very particular ones, such as lust, anger, pride, self-love etc.


In our genes are the genes are of our parents and in our genes are certain characteristics that are also in our egos. By careful observation of our egos and the egos of our parents we can verify this, by noting the similarities between their egos and ours.

So then, our Divine Mother has a great work to do when we work in the elimination of eh ego, she has to work within our genes to eliminate the ego from within our genes. So then in conclusion, the work of the dissolution of the ego modifies our genetic structure and therefore our very own biology.

End (46).

Sunday, 4 May 2014

The Sleeping Essence does not Know it is Wrong (45)

Sleeping Essence?

By sleeping essence we mean the essence trapped or bottled in the ego. By ‘bottle’ (symbolic) we are referring to conditioning, from the psychological point of view the ego is a degree of conditioning. From the esoteric point of view the ego is a metaphysical entity or a bottle or container trapping a piece of essence.

The sleeping essence is the conditioned essence, its conditioning has trapped it into thinking, feeling and acting in accordance with its conditioning and this very same conditioning has also lulled it to sleep.

The conditioning of the essence is very peculiar, it is a conditioning that is polarised in duality. The sleeping essence is polarised in such a way that the sleeping essence processes itself or generates thoughts, feelings and actions in a way that is opposite to the ways of the Being.

Sleeping Essence does not Know its Own Conditioning

The very strange thing is that the sleeping essence does not know it is conditioned and furthermore it does not know that it is wrong.

IT is up to our consciousness and the free essence that we have to understand that the way that a given ego or sleeping essence acts is wrong. Then we, being our consciousness and free essence, have to tell that essence that is sleeping in the ego that it is wrong. We have to address it with force and with the help of the Divine Mother and get the message to it that it is wrong.

The Sleeping Essence Listens

Believe it or not the sleeping essence can listen to us and can obey. When the sleeping essence starts to wake up a bit and realise that it is wrong the force of the ego decreases remarkably. This is truly amazing!


Strive with urgency to understand that the function that any ego is fulfilling in life is wrong and that it can be done better and done by the Being instead. Realise deeply with your consciousness and free essence that its way of fulfilling its function is wrong and then begin to address it, telling it that is wrong, and if you have true comprehension and you do it sincerely you will find that the ego decreases massively in force. This really works!

End (45).