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Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Mystical Death is More than Being Good (42)

Being Good

Being good is relativity is much better than being bad and at times in our life when the ego is really trying to have its way with us, we yearn more than anything to be good. This is all of course fine, excellent and wonderful and can not be knocked, especially in the times when we are experiencing an intense temptation to do something bad or inconvenient for ourselves or others. However, when we place ourselves in the field of mystical death, being good must be transcended, because as you will experience we can become stagnated in the ‘being good’ level, and that stagnation stops us from dying in more death and it even hinders us from dying completely. It even in fact hinders our inner revolution.

Renunciation is Key

The key to overcoming this stagnation in the ‘being good’ level or the key to really dying in ourselves is renunciation. We have to give up something, we have to definitely let go of something, and that something could be a concept, a thought, a feeling, an idea, a fantasy, a perception, an attitude etc.

If we are able to renounce to something then what we are doing is chipping a block out of that the structure of that ego. Hence we are dying. Being good after a while becomes mechanical and in order to die we have to go further and renunciation is the way.


To know that we are dying within ourselves and to overcome the stagnation of ‘being good’ we must renounce to aspects or characteristics of the ego we are trying to dissolve. I want to stress at this point that we should not become bad or make mistakes or do wrong or bad things to break ‘being good’ stagnation. To do that would be really stupid, because that will only bring you karma which will hinder you further from dissolving that ego.

End (42).

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Daily Death is All that Matters! (41)

Change is What Matters

As Master Samael said in his book “A Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology”, all that really matters in our life is definitive radical change for the better. To embody and live by this statement, is really the goal of any sincere Gnostic person. To remain the same, wretched, stale, mechanical and heavily laden with suffering and mistaken ways of thinking and feeling is not at all pleasant.

To bring the new to us beyond our beloved suffering is very difficult but is worthwhile, because in doing that there is freedom, new knowledge, light, a new way of living and there is freedom and the end of a heavy karmic debt.

To effect any change in ourselves can certainly be done by everyone, but to fix any change inside of ourselves and make the new change part of our nature, something special is needed, and that something special is mystical death, and that is why mystical death is needed.

Mystical Death is a life-long work, it is one’s life project and is processed over time. The more consistent we are in working on ourselves producing change or transformation inside of ourselves the more we die and therefore the more we contribute to the lifelong project of dissolving the ego and making the Being in us to flourish.

Mechanical Death

We may try to die in ourselves every day, this is really marvellous, though with our daily efforts a degree of mechanicity could creep in and so our practices of death with the help of the Divine Mother and the mantram KRIM, can become ineffective. To avoid this from happening we have to work with will and heart. Really wanting the change and really yearning for the change.

When you chant the mantra KRIM and are praying to the Divine Mother beg her intensely and chant the mantra KRIM intensely with alert attention, wishing that the ego you are asking to be dissolved dies in you. This way of asking for death is most effective, so much more than not doing it, and so much more than a person praying and chanting the mantram KRIM but daydreaming for the whole duration of the prayer and vocalisation. 


If we really want death, the doors are laid open for us, we get so much help, so then to help ourselves to die effectively we must sincerely want to die in ourselves. This never fails!

End (41).