Lust Thinks it has the Right
The ego or ‘I’ of lust thinks that it has the right to bother another person from what it is that they are doing and try and lure them into an activity that they definitely don’t need and were not intending on.
For example a person of the opposite sex walking down a street to the corner deli to buy the newspaper was not thinking in meeting up specifically with you and being lured into something especially if you don’t know that person. This is reality but the ego of lust lives in a different reality and somehow believes that the person in interested in being lured.
The ego of lust is really outside of reality and what’s more it thinks that it has the right to go and impose itself on another human being.
Lack of Respect
The cause of such a ridiculous way of thinking, feeling and acting is a lack of respect for the other person and being outside of reality due to having come to believes that what is shown on TV and the internet is reality. It is not reality that a person can be walking down the street and then by means of some crazy attraction end up in a few minutes undressing and moving towards some sort of sexual activity. That only happens in movies where everything is fake, contrived, planned, fabricated and manufactured that way.
Respect others, see them a full, complete human being and that to treat them with lust is disrespectful, it is like insulting, bothering, scaring another person for absolutely selfish reasons. Also wake up to reality and accept reality, what is shown in movies is 100% fake, that is not how things work in reality. Just ask anybody if you don’t believe it.