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Friday, 4 October 2013

Visual Depiction of the Way the Ego Dies


We can see how our work on an ego is going through our dreams or internal experiences. This is very helpful and it should ratify or confirm what we are experiencing here physically.

Decreasing in Size

We may the ego that we are working on one day as being very strong and large and after some time we may see it as smaller and weaker. This is a clear sign that it is weakening and dying.


We may see an ego taking a human form and after we have worked on it we can see it as person who is weak and sick or even a person who has parts of his or her body gangrene, frostbitten or dead. This is also a very clear sign that eh ego we are working on is dying.

Becoming a Child

When we work on an ego we may see it as being very adult, nasty, astute and malignant. Later after some time and work we may see the same ego but this time having the appearance of a child and that the nastiness and ugliness that that ego had before is gone. This is also a clear indication that this ego is dying. Soon it will be like a baby and then it will disappear.


Furthermore we may even see an ego we are working o has having a large injury and because of that injury it is debilitated and weak. In this case our Divine Mother has hit it and it is up to us to maintain the injured state of this ego, we have to continue to work on it. If we do it will die.


All the experiences listed above are clear signs that if one see them, one can use to know that one is dying in a particular ego or defect. These signs though are only valid if they corroborate what we are experiencing here physically. That is for example, if the ego seems to be weaker here physically and we then see one of the signs listed above we can be sure that this ego is really dying in us. If not, i.e. the ego is just as strong here physically as it has always been then something is not quite right and we have to work and wait to be able to come to a solid conclusion about how the death of that ego is really going.


Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Transmutation is a Sacrifice (Dissolution of Lust)


Transmutation is really a sacrifice, but it is one that is very rewarding and much more beneficial to one’s: health, ethics and morale.

Anyone who Transmutes will Know

Anyone who has seriously tried to transmute would have understood that it is really a sacrifice and that it is not so easy to transmute and at times it requires a great effort on our part to defeat its opposite and genuinely transmute.

Stop: What is Transmutation?

For those new to the term of transmutation, it in Gnosis means the transformation of the sexual energy. Where the sexual energy (seminal entity) is not lost or expelled from the body, but transformed from its semi solid semi liquid state into energy that is moved through the body to certain principal organs where it is absorbed energising and enlightening those organs.

Why is it a Sacrifice?

Why transmutation is a sacrifice can be understood through this I think, very common human experience. As we eat, breathe and think our body manufactures sexual energy and deposits it into the sexual receptacles commonly called in the male body, testicles and the ovaries in the feminie body. As hours and minutes pass the sexual energy that is manufactured by the body accumulates, and because the nature of the sexual energy is dynamic and volatile, the person begins to feel impulses of a sexual kind (if the sexual energy was not so volatile these impulses probably would not be felt).

These impulses are essentially indications of the body and the sexual energy itself to the person’s mind and consciousness that something needs to be done with the sexual energy otherwise too much will accumulate and it will overflow. This overflowing of the sexual energy can take on several different manifestations, one typical one is ‘wet dreams’, other ones maybe be angry outbursts, acts of aggression, movie watching as if in a deep trance or licentious behaviour.

So when these impulses are felt they are accompanied by certain emotions and expectations or projections of pleasure, and the easy and natural tendency is to find someone of the opposite sex and simply follow the line of least effort which is to follow the current of physical pleasure that takes the person to experience pleasure that culminates with the loss of the sexual energy. Then the problem of the over accumulation of the sexual energy is solved. This is nature’s mechanical way of solving this problem. The ego of lust in this regard is an instrument of the mechanics of nature.

Mechanics of Nature

In fact mechanics require mechanical elements and such a mechanical element is the ego of lust, by dissolving lust we defeat a very powerful mechanism of nature. Nature uses this solution for its benefit which is to keep creation going and the Moon plays its role or influence in this mechanism as well, so the Moon is related to these mechanisms of nature.

The Feeling of Sacrifice in the Heat of the Moment

When a person is in the heat of this situation and the person knows about transmutation the person could feel the pull of the two forces, to transmute or to not transmute. The easier and more fun, pleasurable, interesting and exciting option maybe just to find someone to lose the sexual energy, and of course the more difficult, dry, boring and emotionally unsatisfying way is to transmute. Actually later on in this post I am going to explain that all these things are not true at all, and it happens that through bitter experience the opposite of what is written in the previous sentence is true, that is losing the sexual energy brings suffering and transmuting brings pleasure or satisfaction (pleasure and satisfaction of a physical, psychological and spiritual kind).

Transmutation is Much Easier!

The person in this state may make great efforts, risks and sacrifices to actually find the situation or circumstances to meet with a person of the opposite sex to copulate with. The person may expend a lot of resources: money, reputation, emotional well-being and energy just to copulate, which may last only a few minutes. The by far easier option is to transmute but in this hypnotised state is does not seem like it is the easier option, but it is really, just think about it rationally and logically.

It is so much easier to find five minutes and concentrate on the sexual organs and breathe in deeply imagining and willing the sexual energy to be transmuted and moved into the brain and heart. This is very much easier then chasing a person of the opposite sex, getting it wrong, being humiliated, rushing around, secret phone calls and emails, hiding, expending great amounts of intellectual, emotional and sexual energy, feeling nervous and anxious and losing the sexual energy, a very precious energy that is our spiritual life blood.

When ones transmutes one feels that one is doing the right thing for the planet, for their very own morale (committing adultery is very bad for one’s own morale) and for themselves and their inner spiritual parts. There is happiness and emotional, morale satisfaction.

The Price – Well Worth it Though!

To feel these positive, dignifying and edifying things costs a price and that price is sacrifice. That sacrifice is to sacrifice those feelings of projected pleasure, to deny or sacrifice those opportunities that nature provides to copulate or lose the sexual energy and even to sacrifice one’s false feelings of free will or freedom to find someone and copulate with that person. The real sacrifice maybe to sacrifice that false feeling of freedom and obey the inner Being and the principles of the esoteric work.

Sexual Energy – Whose Energy is it?

Well the truth is that we think the sexual energy is ours but it is not! It is given to us for our consciousness to use for the self-realisation or to fulfil the Parlock duty of the Being. We will be in the end accountable for how we have used this gift of the sexual energy. We carry this energy but it belongs to the Being, that is to our very own Being. We have to use it as He would want it to be used. That is obedience to our Being and that because of the state that we are in requires sacrifice. Later the feeling of sacrifice disappears as we dissolve the rebellious egos of lust and fornication.


Transmute! It is much easier and much more rewarding and it is the conscious way to go about the issue of our sexual energy! The other way is the painful and mechanical way.
