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Wednesday 2 November 2016

There is Much Mystical Death to be Worked Upon in the Small Details - (56)

You set up your book shelf or your desk and then someone moves something and places it how they think it looks best.

Then you see that it has moved, and you really don't like it and you can't resist changing it back to the way it was.

This is a small detail, that hides a lot. Pride, and attachment to our mental patterns and schemes.

Any argument is also just a mental position. We argue the from the position that we take in our mind. If we change mental positions or sides, the argument sort of crumbles away.

There is much death to be gained by focusing on such small details.

End (56).

Monday 8 September 2014

Some Points on Anger III (55)

Point 21

Anger damages our internal vision or clairvoyance. “Blinded by anger” is a common saying.

Point 22

Anger releases a certain poison called imperil into the blood which in turn damages our imagination or clairvoyance.

Point 23

There are three types of anger: physical or of the body, word and mind.

Point 24

We get angry when others come to us that have the same level of the being as us and we allow our subconscious to connect to theirs. Anger is very contagious.

Point 25

There is a red line or a limit related to anger. If we go pass this anger we get loose control and act instinctively and reason, love, respect etc. are all gone. Anger is in full control of the human machine.

Point 26

Anger does not have a goal, the other egos behind have the goal.

Point 27

To avoid anger we need to solve the situation without a mental process, because, anger exists or manifests on the level of the mental processes. We should also ask the Being to remove any obstacle.

Point 28

Anger has hatred within it.

Point 29

Anger leads us to misuse the word.

Point 30

Anger has a particular use of the word. Some of the signs that anger is using our word are definite, radical, extreme statements, swearing, cursing, ill-will, loud volume, harsh or sharp tone etc.

Point 31

The loss of the sexual energy makes one angry. This is because we lack the force of the sexual energy. Anger also comes from a sense of impotence or powerlessness.

Point 32

Anger in association with pride leads us to commit injustice. This is because pride is the ego that tries to restore the balance or it is the conditioned sense of the dignity and justice of the Being. When pride uses anger being conditioned it goes against others and creates more unbalance and the therefore injustice.

End (55).

Some Points on Anger II (54)

Point 11

The other egos don’t have the force, rather anger has the force and the other egos rely on the force of anger to have their desire, goal or invested interest fulfilled.

Point 12

Force exists to accomplish things and surmount obstacles. That is the legitimate role of force in creation. We all need force in life as well as for the endeavours of the spirit.

Point 13

The role of force in relation to the essence is to protect the essence and to provide it with the impulse to accomplish or achieve its goals.

Point 14

There are two ways of working on anger. The first way is to eliminate the obstacle. The second way is to sacrifice the desire for the goal. The first way targets anger and the second way targets the ego behind anger.

Point 15

As soon as the obstacle in front of the goal is removed anger disappears.

Point 16

A master or a person without anger will surmount obstacles using force but not violence or force that goes against themselves or others. Their force is free, not conditioned.

Point 17

There is the use of imagination to remove the obstacle: in the negative sense (anger) and in the positive sense (wisdom, consciousness).

Point 18

What we can’t get with conviction or reason we get with corrupted force which is violence. That is why we get angry because need force to convince others to solve the problem in our particular way.

Point 19

Anger damages our image before ourselves and others.

Point 20

Anger does not take into account cause and effect. It blinds us to the effects of the actions of anger.

End (54). 

Some Points on Anger I (53)


The following three posts are a list of some salient points on the very human characteristic of anger, or in Gnostic terms the ‘I’ of Anger.

These points if considered carefully will help you to better understand how anger works in the human being. And understanding always brings a change in us, a change in our perception and what is the most important of all a change in our actions.

So I end this introduction, wishing the best in your studies of anger and may these 32 points provide you with light on anger so that you can become free of it.

Point 1

Anger is the protector of the structure of the ego (it never comes alone).

Point 2

It is impossible to get angry without words and thoughts (we can’t get angry without thoughts, words and concepts).

Point 3

It is principally the use of force to remove an obstacle.

Point 4

Anger always has a goal or an objective.

Point 5

Desire is present in every manifestation of anger (anger is an effect ego, the ego behind the anger is the cause ego, which is some sort of desire).

Point 6

The stronger the ego behind anger the stronger the anger will be.

Point 7

There is no anger without a sense of loss, harm, damage, disadvantage, injustice, breach of safety etc.

Point 8

Anger comes when the essence or consciousness in us perceives a void or a lack of force.

Point 9

Anger is a lack of conviction (it lacks reason or truth, it uses force as a reason, and lacks the force of reason).

Point 10

Anger is the conditioned use of force that becomes violence. The force in anger is conditioned by relativity and duality. As anger is the force used to remove obstacles and as it is conditioned force, it uses force against others or sometimes ourselves to remove that obstacle. Our essence uses force but in an intelligent way that does not harm ourselves and others.

End (53).

Daily Review (52)

Very Useful to Review our Day

It is very useful to do a review of our daily life. It helps us to keep up to date with what is happening within ourselves, psychologically and esoterically. It also helps us to keep our work in order.

The Practice

This practice of reviewing our day is to check-in within ourselves, to come home so to speak. When we do check-in with ourselves we see our inner urgencies, and these are the things that we should tackle first.

Inner Urgencies

Our inner urgencies are usually things that we do not understand about ourselves. They are usually egos that have a desire, a complaint or protest within us that we do not understand.

When all of our forces are outside of ourselves, it is difficult to check-in within ourselves and review our day.


What do we Find when we Check-in with Ourselves?

What do we find? Lust, pride, regret, unfulfilled desires, the lament over the past, dread of the future.

Strong Desires

Some desires that are so strong that we think we may not be able to resist. These strong desires produce division in us. We have such a strong desire in the ego and a strong desire in the work on ourselves that we get divided. If we decide for the work we feel that we are missing out on something big and we feel regret, lament and some pain. Well it is the ego that feels that pain.

Eternal Principle of the Work on Ourselves

The principle always stands, the work always makes us happier, will fulfilling that desire make us happier? If that desire is lust, it will not really make us happier will it? From previous experiences we ended up crying, how can lust make us happier?

End (52).

In-Depth Contact with Our Psychology (51)


I think what is so important in the work on oneself is the in-depth contact with our psychology. We usually have a very superficial contact with our psychology and this type of contact or acquaintance does not really help or transform us, but the deep knowledge of ourselves really transforms us, and that is the one that is worthwhile making efforts to attain.


One may really feel unsatisfied with their day when one has not made deep contact with their psychology. When one does not have deep contact with their psychology they feel a certain lacking and a missing out on something.

In-Depth Knowledge is Satisfying

The in-depth knowledge of our ourselves is self-discovery and revelation which leads to transformation and also to comprehension and satisfaction.

To have in-depth contact with ourselves is to probe our subconscious and to shed light onto our own darkness. It is essentially to bring light into our darkness and this is our duty. Our duty is two-fold to make our light shine and to fulfil our duty of creating the solar bodies.

Making our Light Shine

The more light we create the more we make our light shine. The way to increase our light is to shed our light onto the darkness within our psychology and make the darkness light. This is done in many ways, but one very simple way to do it is to ask ourselves deep questions about what we have just observed within ourselves (a thought, an emotion) in a given moment.

How can we Increase Our Light?

Ask yourself, is it really true, then invert the thought bringing the topic of the thought back to you. Then that is where we gain insight about our self. This is excellent or marvellous when we have a thought, a critical thought about another person and then we invert the thought and bring it back to ourselves and apply the thought to ourselves. We usually discover that we are the ones with the issue or problem.


My advice is to always seek during your day an in-depth contact with yourself, with your psychology that is. Ask yourself deep questions about what you observe as to whether it is true or not. Then invert the thought onto yourself to see how the thought applies to us and not really to others, that is where the big discoveries are made.

Once we have made a discovery we can go deeper into that aspect of our self, inquiring deeply into it. I sincerely hope this post inspires you to do this. The in-depth knowledge of our self is really very satisfying.

End (51).

Expecting Intimate Care from Others (50)


Sometimes we can observe a certain desire within ourselves and it is like this desire wants that we be intimately cared for and looked after. We want that someone love us very intimately in their heart and that they love us even more than they love their own selves or look after themselves. This sounds pretty selfish from the outside but it is very honestly something that we feel.

This desire comes to us from time to time and it can even be with us all the time if things in our relationship are not going well.

A Question we have to Ask Ourselves

A question pops up when we are feeling these things that I have outlined in the above introduction, and it is: What about us taking care of someone else in that way? “Can we expect someone to really love us more than they love themselves?”


Well the answer to those questions is yes and no. We can love someone that way, taking care of their intimate needs (but in balance not to our detriment), and we can’t really expect in reality someone to love us more than they love ourselves.

So we can control how we love, how we give but not how and what we receive. That is something that we often make the mistake in thinking that we control how we are loved and that is where a lot of our problems come from.

There is the Problem

The problem there is really our mistake to expect that someone can love us more than they love themselves.
However being realistic about this does not really help all that much, well it helps us to understand that we are being very selfish, over-selfish and unrealistic I would say, but the desire is still there.

Quenching this Desire

This desire can be quenched by ourselves doing what this desire is really asking for and that is give up on others taking care of ourselves intimately and do it for them and do it for ourselves.

From the Gnostic point of view we would say to take very intimate care of your Being and His or Its destiny and well-being. The more we love our Being and take care of Him/Her/It the more love will come to us. When we are wanting love from others we are forgetting ourselves and we are being mean to our intimate real Being inside us.

To take care of your Being is to take care of yourself because you come from Him and in the very end you are Him.

Self-love is something real but the self-love we have is the love of ourselves through the eyes of others, or in other technical words love for ourselves in relativity and duality.

Conclusion – Actually Taking Intimate Care of your Being

If you pray with loving words and you do all that you can for your Being during the day you are taking intimate care of Him. If you talk to Him opening your heart, expressing your worries and concerns you are being honest, trusting, loving and intimate with yourself and your Being.

Maybe that is what this desire is driving you to achieve and to do.

End (50).